Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Speak Easy Vapor Lounge is committed to ensuring ethical business practices and upholding human rights in all aspects of our operations, including our online magazine. We recognize the importance of combating modern slavery and human trafficking and are dedicated to taking appropriate measures to prevent such practices within our organization and supply chains.

Our Approach

  1. Policy and Commitment: We have implemented a Modern Slavery Policy that outlines our commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking. This policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to ensure a shared understanding of our zero-tolerance approach.
  2. Supplier Due Diligence: We conduct due diligence on our suppliers to evaluate their adherence to anti-slavery and human trafficking principles. We expect our suppliers to comply with all relevant laws and regulations and maintain fair and ethical practices throughout their operations.
  3. Supplier Contracts: Our supplier contracts include specific provisions addressing modern slavery and human trafficking. These provisions require suppliers to certify that they do not engage in any form of modern slavery and ensure that they are in compliance with applicable laws.
  4. Training and Awareness: We provide training to our employees and management to raise awareness about modern slavery and human trafficking. This training equips them with the knowledge to identify and report any potential violations or concerns.
  5. Reporting Mechanisms: We maintain open channels of communication for employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to report any suspected instances of modern slavery or human trafficking. Reports can be made anonymously, and we assure that all concerns will be investigated promptly and thoroughly.
  6. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously reviewing and improving our policies, procedures, and practices to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking. We engage in regular monitoring and evaluation of our supply chains to identify and mitigate any potential risks.

Our Supply Chains

As an online magazine, our supply chains primarily involve the procurement of goods and services related to our content creation, website management, and operational needs. While our supply chains may not be extensive, we are committed to ensuring that all suppliers, regardless of their size or location, share our commitment to eradicating modern slavery.

Future Steps

Speak Easy Vapor Lounge is dedicated to ongoing efforts in combatting modern slavery and human trafficking. In the future, we aim to:

  1. Collaborate with Industry Partners: We actively seek partnerships and collaborations with industry organizations and initiatives that promote ethical practices and address modern slavery concerns in the vaping industry.
  2. Engage Stakeholders: We will engage with our stakeholders, including readers, customers, and suppliers, to raise awareness and encourage collective action against modern slavery.
  3. Public Transparency: We will regularly review and update this Modern Slavery Statement to ensure transparency in our efforts and progress in combating modern slavery.
  4. Industry Influence: We will use our platform and influence to advocate for ethical practices and encourage other organizations within the vaping industry to take similar steps in addressing modern slavery.


Speak Easy Vapor Lounge is fully committed to combating modern slavery and human trafficking. We recognize our responsibility to ensure that our operations and supply chains are free from such practices. Through our policies, due diligence, training, and ongoing efforts, we strive to contribute to the eradication of modern slavery and promote ethical business practices in our industry.

This Modern Slavery Statement will be reviewed regularly to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.

Date of last review: 19-7-2023
